Oh Yeah’s guide to the Belfast Reusable Cup Scheme

Oh Yeah is committed to being a trial venue for the Belfast reusable cup scheme. Sustainability has become a key objective for us as an organisation, but we also feel that it’s a key objective of the wider Oh Yeah community. City wide the scheme is aiming to reduce plastic cup use by 2 million cups and save 40 tons of plastic waste. For Oh Yeah we hope to reduce our plastic cup use by 25k. With your support we can make it a success.

How will this affect you? Not all of our shows use plastic cups but we do use them for larger attended shows primarily for health and safety reasons.

When you come to a show in the venue where we are using plastic cups you will be charged £1 on your first drink at the bar. When ordering your next drink you will not be charged again as long as you return your plastic cup to the bar. You will be given a fresh cup at no charge. This is not a deposit system, it’s a single £1 charge on your first purchase.  

We understand that a charge is not an ideal additional expense but we have worked to keep it as low as possible while allowing us to make the scheme financially viable for us. We will not be making additional profit from the £1, it is there to cover the operational costs.

This is a trial scheme and we welcome feedback throughout the process. We truly do believe that the users of the centre and the wider Oh Yeah community will see the value in this scheme and welcome the positive impact it will make on our city.

Charlotte Dryden

CEO, Oh Yeah Music Centre


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Belfast Venues Set to Eliminate Single Use Plastic Cups in UK First